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How Freezing Water & Ice Damage Concrete Foundations

How Freezing Water & Ice Damage Concrete Foundations - Image 1
It is that time of year again…winter. As winter tightens its icy grip, homeowners and business owners alike brace themselves for the challenges that come with plummeting temperatures. One often-overlooked adversary during this frigid season is the impact of freezing water on concrete foundations. In this blog, we'll delve into the science behind the damage, exploring why and how the cold weather, coupled with excessive water, can inflict significant harm on the very backbone of our structures.

Understanding Concrete's Vulnerability

Concrete, renowned for its strength and durability, seems impervious to many elements. However, when temperatures drop and water enters the equation, a complex dance begins that can lead to severe consequences for foundations.

How Freezing Water & Ice Damage Concrete Foundations - Image 2
The Freeze-Thaw Cycle

The primary culprit behind winter damage to concrete is the freeze-thaw cycle. This cycle is initiated when water penetrates the porous surface of the concrete. As temperatures drop, this infiltrated water transforms into ice, expanding in the process. The force exerted during this expansion puts immense pressure on the concrete structure.

When the temperature rises again, the ice melts, and the water seeps deeper into the concrete's pores. With each repetition of this cycle, the concrete's integrity is compromised, resulting in the formation of cracks and fractures. Over time, this can lead to a cascade of structural issues for the foundation.

Porous Nature of Concrete

Concrete, despite its robust appearance, is inherently porous. This means it has microscopic openings that allow water to permeate its surface. During winter, when precipitation occurs, snow and ice melt can seep into these openings, setting the stage for the freeze-thaw cycle.

Cold Weather and Its Impact

The relationship between freezing temperatures and concrete damage is a nuanced one. Cold weather alone might not be the sole villain, but when combined with water, the effects can be particularly damaging.


Hydration Hindrance

Concrete cures through a process called hydration, where water reacts with the cement to strengthen the material. In freezing conditions, this process can be hindered, as the water needed for hydration may freeze before it can effectively contribute to the concrete's strength. The result is concrete that is not as robust as it should be, making it more susceptible to cracks and deterioration.

Increased Permeability

Cold weather can exacerbate the permeability of concrete. As the temperature drops, the concrete contracts, widening the gaps between its particles. This, coupled with the freeze-thaw cycle, allows more water to infiltrate, intensifying the risk of damage.

Excessive Water: The Aggravating Factor

While cold weather sets the stage, excessive water acts as the catalyst for accelerated damage to concrete foundations.

Poor Drainage Systems

Inadequate drainage around a property can lead to the pooling of water around the foundation. When this water infiltrates the concrete and subsequently freezes, it amplifies the pressure exerted on the foundation, hastening the deterioration process.

Snow Accumulation

Snow, when allowed to accumulate around a structure, can pose a dual threat. Firstly, as it melts, the water can seep into the concrete. Secondly, the weight of the accumulated snow can exert additional stress on the foundation, compounding the risk of cracks and damage.
Prevention and Mitigation

While the challenges presented by freezing water are formidable, there are proactive steps that homeowners and builders can take to mitigate the risks.

Effective Drainage Systems

Investing in proper drainage systems is paramount. Well-designed gutter systems, downspouts, and proper grading around the property can redirect water away from the foundation, reducing the risk of water infiltration.

Sealant Application

Applying an effective concrete sealant can significantly reduce the material's permeability. By closing the microscopic openings, the sealant acts as a barrier against water infiltration, helping to preserve the integrity of the foundation.


Ensuring proper insulation of foundations can provide a buffer against extreme temperature fluctuations. This insulation helps moderate the effects of the freeze-thaw cycle, reducing the risk of damage.

As winter settles in, the silent battle between freezing water and concrete foundations unfolds. Understanding the science behind the damage is the first step in fortifying our structures against the unforgiving elements. By implementing preventative measures and staying vigilant, we can safeguard our foundations and ensure they stand strong against the winter's icy embrace.


Do you have a foundation issue? Is so call us at 1-412-534-6810 or click HERE.


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